Looking out of my window at 8 am already told me- it ´s not gonna happen today!
Flying solo on these conditions out there at "Piru wash"- NOT a good idea! So what, my friends where already waiting out there!
No big deal! Me and Massiomo where taking the R22 and went out there to see them! On the way I had it already in my mind.
They should experience Massiomos skills by first hand! How?- of course on the co pilot´s seat! And no doubt, they never had more fun! After one hour riding the wave out there at "Piru wash" everybody left the helicoper with a big smile on his face!
Seems like Massimo did a very good job!

Maximum performance take off at by myself at "Piru wash"

From left to right: Claudia, myself, my buddy Art and his wife Roberta

Massimo - They call him Mr. Skills, no wonder why!

Art Thompson! Looks like he can´t wait to get into the helicopter!

My austrian friend Manfred enjoying the ride!
To everyone out there! Don´t try this at home - Go to Twin Air helicopter school at Van nuys!